I love rainy days, absolutely love them! They are so cozy and do such wonderful things for all the little wee green plants ... and today especially it has been an exceptionally brilliant day!
We have just had one of our indoor greenhouse pumpkins (y'know the plastic kind that now resides on my kitchen table with all the little peat pots in it) start a wee sprout! Yay! Spring here in Canada has definately been pushed back quite a bit so this tiny growth has brought a ton of smiles and happy faces - especially with my little man who even drew a "monster" on a special rock so that the birds wouldn't come in and steal away his precious planted seeds. We had some trouble last year in the garden with mostly feeding the birds rather than actually growing plants :) I also had the spectacular joy of winning the garden soft book from Wee Gallery to test for them which is also a HUGE treat! You must really head over and check out the http://www.weegallery.com/ website - they have such fantastic products and absolutely gorgeous artwork for baby (and toddlers and moms!) I love all of it!
So in general, and to sum up, I just wanted to say how simple and wonderful and rainy and great this day and this life really is - hope you all have a happy, rainy, and fabulous day as well :)
xo - nikki
PS He loves the rainy (and muddy days) as well - he's just hamming it up for Mum's camera!